Our Programs
Through direct services, public speaking, events, and educational materials, DAWN aims to reduce and eliminate domestic and sexual abuse in DC’s Deaf communities. Our outreach touches people of all genders, ethnicities, ages, and sexual orientations. We often tailor our message to issues that specifically affect a specific group. The following are a few of our programs.
Youth Solidarity
Adults age 18 – 24 are at the greatest risk for intimate partner violence. DAWN educates and supports college-age and young adults. We work closely with Gallaudet University and host events and meetings for Deaf students so that they can learn what constitutes abuse, how to identify it, and how to prevent it. DAWN also works with local Deaf Schools and Deaf programs within the DC metro area to promote safe and healthy relationships.
Hearing Community
It is important that the hearing community also recognize and know how to react to violence in the Deaf community. Doctors, lawyers, police officers, and teachers are an integral part of survivors’ resources. Members of the hearing community may have a Deaf relative or friend who is being abused. These groups may be called upon to help a survivor or prevent abuse. DAWN conducts events and distributes educational materials to hearing communities to ensure they have useful information.
Men & Boys
Men and boys are integral in ending violence in the Deaf community. By working with the group, Men Can Stop Rape, DAWN focuses its educational outreach on teaching males how to identify abuse, act against it, and to not harm other people. DAWN also provides speaking engagements, events, workshops, distribution of materials, and resources to men and boys.